Parser Services

I intend to port some parsers and NLP tools to GAE so they can be used from environments where Java might not be available.

Stanford Parser

A simple webservice interfacing the Stanford Parser.

use one or more from oneline, penn, latexTree, words, wordsAndTags, rootSymbolOnly, typedDependencies, typedDependenciesCollapsed, semanticGraph, makeCopulaHead

Stanford Core NLP

use one or more from tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner, parse, dcoref; note that pos, lemma, ner, dcoref will not work on a free instance of Google App Engine because of memory limitations

Apache OpenNLP

will not work on a free instance of Google App Engine because model is +32Mb

Berkeley Parser

will not work on a free instance of Google App Engine because of memory limitations

More info at: and (takes a while to spin a new instance after it's been put to sleep).